c# - How to fill datagrid from list? -

yo guyz,

i'm trying fill 2 datagrids columns tree other list. know how can this? solution read data table , show in message boxes loop. don't know how bind columns showing information in datagrid.

public void wybierzdoraportu()     {         list<string> nametab = new list<string>();         list<string> numertab = new list<string>();         list<string> ilosctab = new list<string>();          datatable dt = new datatable();         dataset ds = new dataset();         mysqlcommand cmd = new mysqlcommand(" select c.nazwa, c.symbol, z.id_czesci_symbol, z.ilosc, z.z_numer_naprawy `sylpo_test`.`zamowienie` z left join `test`.`czesc` c on c.symbol=z.id_czesci_symbol z.z_numer_naprawy='" + numberbox.content.tostring() + "' order ilosc;", connection);         mysqldataadapter adp = new mysqldataadapter(cmd);         try         {                         connection.open();              using (mysqldatareader dr = cmd.executereader())   //do query             {                 dt.load(dr);             }             adp.fill(ds, "loaddatabinding");         }         catch (mysqlexception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.tostring());         }                 {             connection.close();         }          foreach (datarow drow in dt.rows)         {             nametab.add(drow[0].tostring());             numertab.add(drow[2].tostring());             ilosctab.add(drow[3].tostring());                   }          (int = 0; <= dt.rows.count - 6; i++)         {             czescitable.itemssource = nametab; // not working :/             messagebox.show(nametab.elementat(i) + " " + numertab.elementat(i) + " " + ilosctab.elementat(i));         }           (int = 5; <= dt.rows.count - 1; i++)         {             messagebox.show(nametab.elementat(i) + " " + numertab.elementat(i) + " " + ilosctab.elementat(i)+" druga tura");         }     } 

and xaml

<datagrid x:name="czescitable" itemssource="{binding}" autogeneratecolumns="false" canuseraddrows="false" horizontalalignment="right" margin="0,207,175,0" verticalalignment="top" width="183" height="66" fontsize="5" fontweight="bold" borderbrush="black" background="white" headersvisibility="column" canuserreordercolumns="false" canusersortcolumns="false" scrollviewer.cancontentscroll="false" verticalscrollbarvisibility="disabled">             <datagrid.columns>                 <datagridtextcolumn binding="{binding path=nazwatab}" header="nazwa" width="70"                             isreadonly="true" canuserresize="false" />                 <datagridtextcolumn binding="{binding path=numertab}" header="kod" width="60"                             isreadonly="true" canuserresize="false" />                 <datagridtextcolumn binding="{binding path=ilosctab}" header="iloŚĆ (w szt.)" width="51"                             isreadonly="true" canuserresize="false" />             </datagrid.columns>         </datagrid> 

thanks help.

first of all, not public property, it's defined inside method or constructor have there :

list<string> nametab = new list<string>(); 

make public , change observablecollection<string>.

     public observablecollection<string> nametab     {         { return (observablecollection<string>)getvalue(nametabproperty); }         set { setvalue(nametabproperty, value); }     }      // using dependencyproperty backing store nametab.  enables animation, styling, binding, etc...     public static readonly dependencyproperty nametabproperty =         dependencyproperty.register("nametab", typeof(observablecollection<string>), typeof(mainwindow), new propertymetadata(null)); 

set datacontext in constructor or somewhere , set nametab binding source datagrid.

you should same thing others 2 : numertab , ilosctab .

if don't want use dependencyproperty, try implement inpc interface:

public class itemcontainer : inotifypropertychanged {     private observablecollection<string> _nametab;      public observablecollection<string> nametab     {         { return _nametab; }         set         {             _nametab = value;             propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs("nametab"));         }     }      public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged = delegate { }; } 

update 1:

an example of how datagrid should work:

<window x:class="datagridexample.mainwindow"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     title="mainwindow" height="350" width="525"> <grid>     <datagrid x:name="czescitable" itemssource="{binding nametab}"                autogeneratecolumns="false"               canuseraddrows="false"                verticalalignment="top"                 fontsize="12"                fontweight="bold"                borderbrush="black"                background="white"                headersvisibility="column"                canuserreordercolumns="false"               canusersortcolumns="false"               scrollviewer.cancontentscroll="false"                verticalscrollbarvisibility="disabled">         <datagrid.columns>             <datagridtextcolumn binding="{binding path=id_czesci_symbol}" header="id" width="51"                         isreadonly="true" canuserresize="false" />             <datagridtextcolumn binding="{binding path=nazwa}" header="nazwa" width="70"                         isreadonly="true" canuserresize="false" />             <datagridtextcolumn binding="{binding path=symbol}" header="symbol" width="60"                         isreadonly="true" canuserresize="false" />         </datagrid.columns>     </datagrid> </grid> 


public partial class mainwindow : window {     public observablecollection<model> nametab { get; set; }      public mainwindow()     {         initializecomponent();         nametab = new observablecollection<model>();         nametab.add(new model() { id_czesci_symbol = 1, nazwa = "nazwa1", symbol = "symbol1" });         nametab.add(new model() { id_czesci_symbol = 2, nazwa = "nazwa2", symbol = "symbol2" });         nametab.add(new model() { id_czesci_symbol = 3, nazwa = "nazwa3", symbol = "symbol3" });         this.datacontext = this;      } } 

and model:

public class model : inotifypropertychanged {      private string _nazwa;      public string nazwa     {         { return _nazwa; }         set         {             _nazwa = value;             propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs("nazwa"));         }     }      private string _symbol;      public string symbol     {         { return _symbol; }         set         {             _symbol = value;             propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs("symbol"));         }     }      private int _id_czesci_symbol;      public int id_czesci_symbol     {         { return _id_czesci_symbol; }         set         {             _id_czesci_symbol = value;             propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs("id_czesci_symbol"));         }     }      public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged = delegate { }; } 


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