java - Integration tests fails if run via maven, but passes if run via IDE -

i have acceptance test module ejb call module. acceptance test, don't want call ejb directly may cause tests slow. on come that, used simplenamingcontextbuilder mock jndi call. acceptance test, using cucumberframework.

i created own annotation @mockjndiservices, java method jndi looks like

@before("@mockjndientityservice") public void mockjndiservice() throws namingexception {     final ejbserviceremote ejbservice = new ejbserviceremotestubimpl();     final simplenamingcontextbuilder contextbuilder = new simplenamingcontextbuilder();      contextbuilder.bind(ejbserviceremote.ejb_name, ejbservice);     contextbuilder.activate(); } 

ejbserviceremotestubimpl stub tests call instead of service itself.

and feature file has heading

@mockjndientityservice @transaction feature: lookups library of policy 

when run code via ide (intellij), works fine , passes. when run through build tool (maven), remote lookup failure

caused by: javax.naming.namenotfoundexception: name [ejb/ejbserviceejb#ejb.service.ejbserviceremote] not bound; 1 bindings: [ejb/ejbserviceejb#ejb.service.ejbserviceremote

it seems annotation not being applied each feature/scenarios.

has ever came across this? appreciated.


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