
Showing posts from April, 2014

elasticsearch - How to use absolute field names in query_string search with 'fields'? -

i have multiple indices , have search performed globally through these indices. how can tell elasticsearch differentiate field (where 'article' type, , '' nested field) (where 'author' type , 'name' top-level attribute)? so, example, if perform such search: curl -x 'http://localhost:9200/*/author,article/_search?pretty' -d '{ "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "tag": "programming" } } ] } }, "query": { "query_string": { "query": "john doe", "fields": [""] } } } } i want search through name field inside author type. not inside auth

Android Animation Translation -

my android translation translate left hand side of screen though have specified y transition only. here code : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set xmlns:android="" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator" android:fillafter="true"> <scale android:fromxscale="1.0" android:fromyscale="1.0" android:toxscale="0.6" android:toyscale="0.6" android:duration="1000" /> <translate android:fromydelta="0%p" android:toydelta="-15%p" android:duration="1000" /> </set> before image: after image:

bash - "for" loop wildcard evaluated to variable if no such files present -

$ f in /etc/shell*; echo $f; done /etc/shells $ good! $ f in /etc/no_such*; echo $f; done /etc/no_such* $ bad! how can reap off wildcard evaluation if no files present? there specific shell option enable behaviour globs, called nullglob . enable it, use shopt -s nullglob . when option enabled, pattern no matches evaluates nothing, rather itself. this non-standard feature provided bash, if you're using shell or looking more compatible option can add condition loop body: for f in /etc/no_such*; [ -e "$f" ] && echo "$f"; done this echo if file exists.

Join a Line and Ellipse -

i did find how bind line ellipse through xaml, i'm not familiar binding, , though i've researched it, still don't understand how binding work user input. is there way, programmatically have ellipse joined end of line when line rotates on diameter, ellipse rotates it? wrote done in code, not xaml. using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using; using; using; using; using; using; using; using; using; namespace wpfapplication1 { /// <summary> /// interaction logic mainwindow.xaml /// </summary> public partial class mainwindow : window { public mainwindow() { initializecomponent(); } public void geo() {

logging - log with timbre in clojure: how to set timestamp and local? -

i have following code. (timbre/merge-config! {:timestamp-pattern "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss zz" } ) (info (str "acm template deploy start..., version " version)) but timestamp format not want. how should set format? $ lein run compiling com.rockiedata.dw.acm.template.deploy 15-jun-25 22:13:00 unknownhost info [com.rockiedata.dw.acm.template.deploy] - acm template deploy start..., version 0.1 and how set local, in document said :timestamp-locale nil but how set chinese local? based on documentation should following : (timbre/merge-config! {:timestamp-opts {:pattern "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss zz" :locale (java.util.locale. "zh_cn")}})

maps - Open a popover with by ID - Mapbox -

in mapbox creating overlays using following code within map creation function - i need work out way open popover it's id in separate function. using post here have modified following example should open layer id 1. function next(next_id){ map.featurelayer.eachlayer(function(marker) { if ( == marker_id) { marker.openpopup(); } }); } but give me undefined error know i'm going wrong here? edit - show error when run above function console. thanks i ran problem in past. ended doing this, it's not best solution may out. map.featurelayer.eachlayer(function(marker) { if ( == marker_id) { marker.fireevent('click', { latlng: { lat:, lng: marker._latlng.lng } }); } });

python - Using a decorated function as a function's default argument -

consider module: import logging def print_start_end(name): """ decorator creates logger , logs start , end of function call """ def decorator(f): logger = logging.getlogger(name) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):"start") res = f(*args, **kwargs)"end") return res return wrapper return decorator @print_start_end(__name__) def f(x): return x def g(y=f(3)): return y and example script: import logging mymodule import f logger = logging.getlogger("") logger.setlevel( h = logging.streamhandler() h.setlevel( logger.addhandler(h) print f(3) output: start end 3 the decorator working. write script use g instead of f : import logging mymodule import g logger = logging.getlogger("") logger.setlevel( h = logging.streamhandler() h.

routing - What's the difference between "(:any)" and ":any" in CodeIgniter? -

what's difference between "(:any)" , ":any" in codeigniter uri routing rules? example: segment_1/segment_2/:any = my_controller/function/$1 and segment_1/segment_2/(:any) = my_controller/function/$1 i don't see explanation in ci docs , wondered. :) there difference between :any , (:any). first (:any) replaced $1 second (:any) replaced $2 , on but :any not have effect. as example,suppose have test controller function name myfunction takes arguemnt $a class test extends ci_controller { public function myfunction($a='') { echo $a; } } hit url baseurl/test/asdf $route['test/(:any)']='test/myfunction/$1'; //$1== asdf //outputs asdf $route['test/:any']='test/myfunction/$1'; //$1!=asdf //outputs $1 hope understand difference.

replication - Netlogo - How to replicate an experiment adjusting one parameter using import-world? -

i have simulation in agents move around physical grid exchange ideas on topics neighbours. have conducted study , replicate 1 modification - adjusted "transfer" parameter ideas exchange @ slower rate. to try , perfect replication have used export/import world procedure. when re-run simulation tick 0 imported world , none of parameters changed, model identical. same output, agents move , have same interactions , identical. great however, when re-run simulation tick 0 same imported world, adjust 1 paramater (transfer_rate), agents move around physical space differently, meet different agents original simulation , different results. perhaps adjusting 1 parameter pseudorandom number has altered somehow? know of way of having controlled , constant exception of 1 transfer_rate parameter adjustment? perhaps there simple solution. thank time everyone. two possibilities might help. try with-local-randomness isolate random processes affected change in transfer_rat

jsp - How to pass a Map<ObjectA, List<ObjectB>> to action in Struts 2 -

i have event object, inside there map<objecta, list<objectb>> , objecta label, , list<objectb> table rows. following code, can display tables correctly, when submit form action class, map null inside event. jsp code: <s:iterator value="event.planmap" var="map" > <h4>plan type: <s:property value='key' /></h4> <table id="plan"> <s:iterator value="value" status="stat" var="detail" > <tr> <td><input type="text" id="name" name="event.planmap['%{#map.key}'][%{#stat.index}].name" value="<s:property value='name'/>"/></td> <td><input type="text" id="text" name="event.planmap['%{#map.key}'][%{#stat.index}].text" value="<s:property value='text'/>"/></td>

sql server - Nested If Statement with Insert Statements in SQL -

so writing stored procedure webpage pull 3 parameters webpage , store 1 based on values of other 2. alter procedure [dbo].[pmrassigndate] @pmrid int, @department varchar(255), @assigndate date begin if exists(select * [productinformation].[dbo].[pmrinformation] pmrid = @pmrid) begin if @department='engineering' begin insert [dbo].[pmrinformation] (engineeringapprovaldate) values (@assigndate) end else if (@department='operations') begin insert [dbo].[pmrinformation] (operationsapprovaldate) values (@assigndate) end else if (@department='ame') begin insert [dbo].[pmrinformation] (ameapprovald

Wordpress doesnt proces external php file -

i making attempt write own theme wordpress , have written file contains modals (twitter bootstrap), html. added theme section (created inc folder) , named modals.php. i included via php everywhere in page need modals. works. whenever click on link, modal loads. however, when start adding php modals, breaks. modal being loaded, instead of requested post item wordpress database (i use make dynamic content, since multi language), loads footer, , breaks website, confusing me really. my modals.php contains following <div id="about" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1"> <div class="vertical-alignment-helper"> <div class="modal-dialog vertical-align-center"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button class="close" type="button" data-dismiss="modal"></button>

objective c - when click on the hyperlink it will going to browser ,so my reqirement is open in in_app ios -

textview having text , hyperlinks ,when click on hyperlink going browser ,so requirement open in in_app i.e web view you can use delegate shouldinteractwithurl: of uitextview open in-app. - (bool)textview:(uitextview *)textview shouldinteractwithurl:(nsurl *)url inrange:(nsrange)characterrange { // code open locally "in-app" return no; }

numpy - Python Pandas - Reformat Datetime Index -

i have 2 data frames both multi-indexed on 'date' , 'name', , want sql style join combine them. i've tried pd.merge(df1.reset_index(), df2.reset_index(), on=['name', 'date'], how='inner') which results in empty dataframe. if inspect data frames can see index of 1 represented '2015-01-01' , other represented '2015-01-01 00:00:00' explains issues joining. is there way 'recast' index specific format within pandas? i've included tables see data i'm working with. df1= +-------------+------+------+------+ | date | name | col1 | col2 | +-------------+------+------+------+ | 2015-01-01 | mary | 12 | 123 | | 2015-01-02 | mary | 23 | 33 | | 2015-01-03 | mary | 34 | 45 | | 2015-01-01 | john | 65 | 76 | | 2015-01-02 | john | 67 | 78 | | 2015-01-03 | john | 25 | 86 | +-------------+------+------+------+ df2= +------------+------+-------+-------+ | date | name |

Not able to manage JBoss through Jenkins -

when execute specific file through jenkins, starts jboss server not send feedback saying "start successful". , because of not able start processes. s solution that. the job running, if cancel job, jboss stops. solution please regards manish mehra i have nightly build rebuilds , tests environment end end. jboss startup , shut down bat file , put pause after start (using ping kluge) give jboss enough time start. not best solution i've been running on year out single issue.

csv - pipeline delimiter issue having constraints -

i need code or program edit csv-file following conditions should hold: the no. of pipes | in each row / line should 14 if 14 pipes not present there must data has moved following lines. need trim lines , merge them previous line ensure having 14 pipes. sample data csv-file (added due comments): correct line: ab|bfgc|cd|gfdgde|ef|fg|gh|hi|jdsfk|kl|lm|mfdgn|nq|ql|df wrong line: dkflmd|bgbfdsfd|sfsddf|efdgfdg sdfsd|dfgdf|gfdhdfh|gfdg| sdfs|gdf| sdgdf gfdgedf|dfy| some of data in first line of wrong code has been shifted next line need program can trim next line , append previous line.

c# - Filtering null values when != and == are overloaded -

i have overloaded != , == operators of entity type. now, when run : dbcontext.myentitydbset.where(x => x.myproperty != null) i'm getting exception saying cannot compare elements of type 'myentitytype'. primitive types, enumeration types , entity types supported. how can bypass ? thank you ef not know == , != overloaded. can compare primitive types. also, cannot compare 2 entities of same type (it compare them comparing primary keys hibernate does). need replicate == , != in linq query (or materialize - i.e. insert tolist() - query before bad solution).

python - MultiValueDictKeyError in Django when use POST -

i new django rest framework , asked write token authentication part of our project. 1 thing note is, use not use default admin site in future, write login, logout, signup functions, , test functionality postman. want let new user signup, login , logout. when user log in, issue him/her token. perform in easiest way. but still can't work out. searched related questions still cannot solve problem. if know how do, please me! following details. when using get, works fine. when using post, multivaluedictkeyerror. don't know why. rest_framework.response import response django.contrib.auth import authenticate rest_framework.authtoken.models import token rest_framework import status django.contrib.auth.models import user rest_framework.authentication import tokenauthentication rest_framework.permissions import isauthenticated django.contrib.auth.signals import user_logged_in, user_logged_out rest_framework.decorators import api_vi

java - IllegalArgumentException: Invalid ejb jar: it contains zero ejb -

i've seem plenty of questions regarding issue , still couldn't fixed, i'm aware exception thrown when 1 tries deploy ejb module without classes annotated @stateless, @stateful, @messagedriven or @singleton. isn't case, have several classes annotated this: @stateless @remote(testserviceinterface.class) public class testservice extends testsuperclass implements testserviceinterface<test>, serializable{ } and here interface: public interface testserviceinterface<t> extends anotherinterface<t>{ } all of interfaces located in project, have jar added ejb module lib. when try deploy following exception: 1. valid ejb jar requires @ least 1 session, entity (1.x/2.x style), or message-driven bean. 2. ejb3+ entity beans (@entity) pojos , please package them library jar. 3. if jar file contains valid ejbs annotated ejb component level annotations (@stateless, @stateful, @messagedriven, @singleton), please check server.log see whether annotations

javascript - Get some information on a string with split and substring -

i have information of latitude , longitude string filepos. have put information array(called beaches), must be: var beaches = [ ["45.411158", "11.906326", 1]// 1 index ["45.411190", "11.906324", 2]// 2 index ] i tried that, eclipse show me error: "uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'length' of undefined" var filepos = "{'data':'17/02/2015', 'descrizione':'prova aaa', 'lat':'45.411158', 'lng':'11.906326', 'foto':'sdjahvas'}" + "{'data':'18/02/2015', 'descrizione':'prova baa', 'lat':'45.411190', 'lng':'11.906324', 'foto':'asde'}"; var beaches = filepos.split("}") // break original string on `", "` .map(function(element, index){ var temp = element.

java - Integrating Picasso into List View with custom adapter that has a Hashmap -

so im trying add images list view of mine, proving pain. use picasso, images requested via http. i can add string objects textviews in list view. thats easy part. however, had crack @ trying images follows; ... hashmap<string, string> map = new hashmap<string, string>(); map.put("name", name); map.put("title", title); map.put("image_url",image_relative_url+image_url+".png"); championlist.add(map); // listview object xml final listview listview = (listview) findviewbyid(; listadapter adapter = new simpleadapter(mainactivity.this, championlist, r.layout.list_view_row, new string[]{"name","title"}, new int[]{,}); //listadapter adapter = new customlist(mainactivity.this,new string[]{"name"}, new string[]{"title"}, new str

c# - Caliburn micro: get page navigation mode in view model -

i using caliburn micro in windows universal apps. there way find out page navigation mode (back, forward) in view model? in silverlight apps in onnavigatedto event if(e.navigationmode == navigationmode.back) . there equivalent available in caliburn micro? - Is there any SIP-VOIP plugin in smartface -

i want add voip call in project, checked documents there no information. there way add sip plugin or sip sdk. no, not exist in smartface. but, when plugin support becomes available, can use plugin. can check roadmap :

html - css form input[type="text"] selector -

i'm using css style html page. can selector: form input[type="text"] change form of 1 input type text? 1 et others css? thanks best regards i dont question. have few options will style every input typed text. <input type="text" /> form input[type="text"] {} will style level first input typed text form >input[type="text"] {} will style first input form input[type="text"]:first-child {} will style input typed text class "foo" form[type="text"] { } so. lets have form <form action="" method="post"> <input type="text" name="text" class="foo" /> <input type="text" name="text2" class="bar" /> </form> this target inputs form input[type="text"] { border:2px solid #000000; } this target first input class "foo" form[t

boost - Giving up ownership of a memory without releasing it by shared_ptr -

is there way can make shared pointer point different memory location without releasing memory.pointed currently please consider code: #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <iostream> int main() { int *p = new int(); *p = 10; int *q = new int(); *q = 20; boost::shared_ptr<int> ps(p); // leads compiler error ps = boost::make_shared<int>(q); std::cout << *p << std::endl; std::cout << *q << std::endl; return 0; } you can't. of course can release , reattach, while changing deleter no-op to honest, looks you'd want ps = boost::make_shared<int>(*q); prints ( live on coliru ): 0 20

xml - Refine search results -

i using sharepoint rest search api. i asking return me specific set of results. it searches against field called myfield. myfield multiple choice field. searching return results myfield equals a. returns result if contains (myfield = a;b;c) , if equals (myfield = a). however, want return results equals a. not return results if equals a, others. the query using is:'(country:fra)(contenttype:mycontenttype)(myfield:a)'&rowlimit=50&selectproperties='title,lastmodifiedtime,myfield'&trimduplicates=false&sortlist='lastmodifiedtime:descending' i have tried select refinement filters no avail:'(country:fra)(contenttype:mycontenttype)(myfield:a)'&rowlimit=50&selectproperties='title,lastmodifiedtime,myfield'&trimduplicates=false&sortlist='lastmodifiedtime:descending'&refinement

c++ - Qt does not find header file -

i have such structure of files: ├── myproject/ │ ├── include │ │ ├── mainwindow.h │ ├── source │ │ ├── main.cpp │ │ ├── myqtprojectfiles │ │ │ ├── contains strings: includepath += $$pwd\..\..\include sources += $$pwd\..\..\source\main.cpp headers += $$pwd\..\..\include\mainwindow.h but qt produces error : cannot open include file: "mainwindow.h"; no such file or directory problem solved, deleted old cache files of previous build process. recommended variable usage in case _pro_file_pwd_

jquery - set kendo form validation to false -

i have html form textbox in it. user can type email address in textbox. when ever user types wrong mail id want make form validation false. form validation using kendo validator, unable manually set form validation false . the email address validation done via regrex , thats working fine.

java - Create a unique key for Map from multiple Enum types -

i have requirement multiple enums need find value in i.e. map<key,value> (combination of enums return unique value). think there many options having wrapper object key act key. also, can use guava table if keys limited 2 (not sure). wanted check below approach 2 enums map unique computed value, need suggestions understanding - i) if approach fine? ii) if yes, scalable? i.e. can made generic support 'n' enums in tokey(enum ...enums) below snippet 2 enums - static integer tokey(status s, substatus ss) { return integer.valueof(s.ordinal() * substatus.values().length + ss.ordinal()); } and status { none, pass, warn, reject } substatus { none, soft_reject, hard_reject } integer key1 = tokey(status.reject, substatus.hard_reject) integer key2 = tokey(status.warn, substatus.none) key1 != key2 thanks! you can try code generate hash code serves key: static int tokey(status s, substatus ss) { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result

lotusscript - Why won't scheduled Notes Agent run -

i have developed notes agent cross matches documents in database based on criteria. have development server, train server , live server , each running instance of relevant application. agent require on 3 instances when run agent manually. agent runs fine when scheduled specific time on development , train servers. however, when schedule agent on live server not run , logs state following; "agent manager: execution time limit exceeded agent 'matchingalert|matchingalert' in database 'pbt\pbtlive.nsf'. agent signer 'application development/it/***************'" all 3 servers appear set same. also, have transfrred documents live development instance , still runs scheduled on development instance can't fact dealing more documents in live instance. causing this? edit: occurred worth mentioning. wanted train instance have same documents live instance deleted train instance , made new copy of using live instance template , scheduled agent

javascript - ajax causing mysql duplicate entry? -

i using following ajax script run mysql function , insert entry table. working fine except duplicating entry twice. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#support1').click(function(e) { var sel_stud = "support1"; $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "include/run_support_log.php", data: 'theoption=' + sel_stud, success: function() { $('#support_content').show(); } }); }); }); </script> mysql: <?php session_start(); include 'config.php'; $type = $_post['theoption']; if($type == "support1"){ $type = "phone support"; } $random = 's' . substr( md5(rand()), 0, 7); echo $random; $query = "insert supplier_log (id, reference, user_id, date, activity_type) values ('', '$reference','{$_session['id']}&#

php - Unable to change add to cart button using AJAX -

i calling product list on click of category button as follow : $id = $_get['serviceid']; ?> <ul class="products"> <?php $args = array( 'post_type' => 'product', 'posts_per_page' => 10, 'product_cat' => $id, 'orderby' => 'rand' ); $loop = new wp_query( $args ); while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); global $product; ?> <div> <li class="food_menu"> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $loop->post->id ) ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr($loop->post->post_title ? $loop->post->post_title : $loop->post->id); ?>"> <?php woocommerce_show_product_sale_flash( $post, $product ); ?> <?php if (has_post_thumbnail( $loop->post->id )) echo get_the_post_thumbnail($loop->

java - Maven repository : Browsing for this directory has been disabled -

i trying download dependencies using maven maven not downloading jars central repository means have manually install them pain i can telnet computer central repository using telnet 80 when use browser access repository getting following webpage browsing directory has been disabled. view directory's contents on instead. find out more central repository. i have tried adding following pom has not worked either <repositories> <repository> <id>central</id> <name>central</name> <url></url> </repository> </repositories> has else come across , if how did resolve this? edit : pom.xml just note, have set exact same project same version of maven on other environments 1 working on seems not able download jars central repository <?xm

remove stopword from a String in c# -

i having trouble creating code removes stop words string. here code: string review="the portfolio fine except fact last movement of sonata #6 missing. should 1 expect?"; string[] arrstopword = new string[] {"a", "i", "it", "am", "at", "on", "in", "to", "too", "very","of", "from", "here", "even", "the", "but", "and", "is","my","them", "then", "this", "that", "than", "though", "so", "are"}; stringbuilder sbreview = new stringbuilder(review); foreach (string word in arrstopword){ sbreview.replace(word, "");} label1.text = sbreview.tostring(); when running label1.text = "the portfolo s fne except fct tht lst movement st #6 s mssng. wht should e expect? " i expect must return "por

jquery - Unable to use vedmack/yadcf plugin with tigrang/cakephp-datatable -

i'm using tigrang/cakephp-datatable in 1 of cakephp 2.6 projects (and dt 1.10.6). far, have been able implement plugin plugin's author. plugin excellent , want' keep it. now, i'm trying use vedmack/yadcf plugin along existing data table achieve (especially) column filtering functionality because find examples on official dt messy , limited. keep getting error when initialise yadcf: typeerror: otable.settings not function var instance = otable.settings()[0].oinstance, is there way can both plugins work together? has tried this? below js dt using cakephp-datatable: $('.datatable').each(function() { var table = $(this); var model = table.attr('data-config'); var settings = datatablesettings[model]; settings['dom'] = 'lrtip'; settings['statesave'] = true; settings['statesavecallback'] = function (settings, data) { $.ajax( {...}); }; settings['stateload

java - How to download jasper report automatically from website when startup computer -

my scenario need open browser, log in website, generate , download pdf jasperreport-built report everyday. can create client script in local computer these automatically in background when start computer, pop report automatically me. how can achieve this? expert advice appreciated. 1st. create java servlet. below. public class jasperexampleservlet extends httpservlet { @override protected void doget(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws servletexception, ioexception { try { jasperreport report = (jasperreport)jrloader.loadobject("your jasper path"); map parameters = new hashmap(); parameters.put("foo", someparam1); parameters.put("bar", someparam2); connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("your db info"); jasperprint print = jasperfillmanager.fillreport(report,parameters,con); // output

Oracle Data Integrator SQL to HDFS IKM returns error -

i using odi ( created topology oracle db ok , created topology hdfs using file technology think problem in. dataserver hdfs, left jdbc driver empty, , filled jdbc url hdfs://remotehostname:port physical schema hdfs, filled both schema , work schema /my/path then created logical schema , model. after created datastore under model these definitions. name: testname resource name: testfile.txt file format: fixed after these, created project , mapping under project. finally when run mapping see these errors: odi-1217: session oracle2hdfsmapping_physical_sess (15) fails return code odi-1298. odi-1226: step physical_step fails after 1 attempt(s). odi-1240: flow physical_step fails while performing add execute sqoop script-ikm sql hdfs file (sqoop)- operation. flow loads target table null. odi-1298: serial task "serial-map_main- (10)" failed because child task "serial-eu-gguser_unit (20)" in error. odi-1298: serial task "serial-eu-gguser_u

Android EditText inputType not working -

i trying capitalize first letter of each word input type not working. idea i'm doing wrong here? here xml snippet: <edittext android:id="@+id/firstname" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:singleline="false" android:inputtype="text|textcapwords"/> use these line of code in yours xml android:inputtype="textcapwords"

javascript - Touch event for mouseover -

in web application touch-version, i'm converting mouse events touch events . mousedown=>touchstart, mouseup=>touchend... i want convert mouseover event. touch mouseover ? ansurd, touchpad doesnt detect finger in air ! not really, if swipe finger on element, e.g. , want element bigger... example. is there touch event such behaviour (mouseover touch) ? currently, jquery ui user interface library not support use of touch events in widgets , interactions. means slick ui designed , tested in desktop browser fail on most, if not all, touch-enabled mobile devices, becuase jquery ui listens mouse events—mouseover, mousemove , mouseout—not touch events—touchstart, touchmove , touchend. that's jquery ui touch punch comes in. touch punch works using simulated events map touch events mouse event analogs. include script on page , touch events turned corresponding mouse events jquery ui respond expected. visit website , read docume

Wordpress: Internal Server Error -

i must move wordpress website 1 server another. there no way backup it, copied wp-content files , moved new server. moved database, in new server have same database, same user, same password, changes user , password info in wp-config.php file. but there problem such: internal server error server encountered internal error or misconfiguration , unable complete request. please contact server administrator inform of time error occurred , of might have done may have caused error. more information error may available in server error log. and here error log: #software: microsoft internet information services 8.0 #version: 1.0 #date: 2015-06-24 22:07:41 #fields: date time s-sitename s-computername s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs-version cs(user-agent) cs(cookie) cs(referer) cs-host sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken 2015-06-24 22:07:40 w3svc181 p3nwvpweb067 /admin.php - 80 - 1

git - How to clone a Bitbucket repository with Jenkins -

i using redhat linux i have created repository in bitbucket demo , have html code that. i have install jenkins in system. what trying clone bitbucket repository jenkins can build project. steps following is creating new job in jenkins. giving description project in source code management tab selecting git , jenkins ask repository url, , giving url. but jenkins throwing error saying failed connect repository : error performing command: git ls-remote -h git clone head spend around 3 days , not configure instead learned lot jenkins. have tried bitbucket plug-in jenkins not working. for jenkins 1.5 or greater( till 1.6) the error getting because in global configuration of jenkins, git path not correct/or not inserted. that's why jenkins unable run git command. please go manage jenkins-> configure system settings . check git section , add correct path. seems have remove

java - return a Null pointer exception -

i trying develop simple app read qr code zxing , redirect corresponding link. mainactivity class, methods on create , onactivityresult, when scan qr code app crashes....and dunno why can me? post mainactivity class, if can help... thanks all fabrizio -------- mainactivity------------ public class mainactivity extends activity { // static final string action_scan = ""; private button button; private webview webview; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { final context context = this; super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); button = (button) findviewbyid(; button.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view arg0) { intent intent = new intent(context, webviewactivity.class); startactivity(intent); } }); } public void scannow(view view) { inten