
Showing posts from September, 2013 mvc - Docusign Embedded Signing(MVC website) - tags not showing up and the document is coming as free form signing -

i trying integrate website docusign via embedded signing. have been pretty successful - documentation , pointers so). my issue have website , on initial sign need users e-sign document before proceed shop @ site. have set docusign embedded signing experience once login - take them seamlessly(without login docusign server etc) docusign - in document signing shows - document coming thru fine - tags not showing , showing free form signing. there "fields" left of document , need drag , drop these on form ( have populated these fields values). the real issue docusign lets me "finish" without signing since document showing free form - please find code below - using docusign rest api created embedded signing predefined document template using /envelopes/{envelopeid}/views/recipient call. using restsharp connect docusign. help! protected const string integratorkey = "xx"; protected const string environment = "

SignalR Hubs Windows Form - newbie -

i've built hosted (owin) windows form hub, not acting proxy client, want have small windows form show other clients connect. the bit im struggling host client "listening" , how log connected machines. want write out message textbox so here have done far, im running client\hub on same form. public partial class form1 : form { private idisposable signalr { get; set; } private hubconnection hubconnection; private ihubproxy chat; const string url = "http://localhost:8080"; public form1() { initializecomponent(); } private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) { => startserver()); // => registerserverconnection()); } private void startserver() { try { signalr = webapp.start(url); } catch (targetinvocationexception) { } this.invoke((action) (() => richtextbox1.appendtext("s

elixir - Can't run iex in Windows command prompt or git bash -

i installed elixir via chocolatey on windows 7 machine. @ root of c directory, inside of administrator command prompt, ran: c:\> cinst elixir this installed erlang , elixir -- v.1.0.4. nothing failed, success messages. restarted command prompt , ran c:\> iex.bat i receive error: 'iex.bat' not recognized internal or external command, operable program or batch file. i run mac, i'm pretty ignorant when comes windows. tried running iex in git bash, no luck. how run iex? neither erlang nor elixir automatically added path chocolatey. make sure add both erlang's , elixir's bin directory path. since mention you're not used windows, try running @ command prompt before try execute iex.bat: set path=c:/"program files"/erl6.4/bin;c:/elixir/bin;%path% obviously you'll want adjust paths you've installed things. oh , you'll want run iex.bat. don't think iex.bat run git bash prompt can't remember last ti

android - null exception when writing file to internal storage from separate class -

i have 2 activities want call time class bellow every time call class throws exception. if put timewrite() method in activity works if put in time class , try call write file throws exception. public class time extends alphabetactivity{ private int time; public void timewrite(int time) { try { string timeval = string.valueof(time); fileoutputstream timestream = openfileoutput("time_file.txt", context.mode_private); timestream.write(timeval.getbytes());} timestream.close(); catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace();}} it seems wrong inheritance , not understanding doing wrong. try { string timeval = string.valueof(time); fileoutputstream timestream = openfileoutput("time_file.txt", context.mode_private); timestream.write(timeval.getbytes()); } timestream.close(); catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace();} } your code compile if write: tr

box api - Is it possible to generate a Box upload embed widget via the API? -

i'd programmatically create upload embed widgets specific folders our account. looks possible create shared link: but don't see way in api: i've looked @ requests above webpage sending create widget , looks recreate them, nice not have rely on isn't documented. doesn't widget generation page using 2.0 api. while not possible create box upload widget via api can create box embed window via api (check out documentation here: ) this give iframe can embed in site users drag , drop content , upload box.

c# - one column in GridView won't export to excel sheet -

i have gridview displaying fields database , function export gridview excel spreadsheet column not displaying litchecklistno. <asp:gridview runat="server" <columns> <asp:boundfield datafield="vehiclereg" headertext="registration" sortexpression="vehiclereg"></asp:boundfield> <asp:templatefield headertext="checklist number" sortexpression="checklistno"> <itemtemplate> <asp:literal id="litchecklistno" runat="server"> </asp:literal> </itemtemplate> </asp:templatefield> <asp:boundfield datafield="checklistdate" headertext="checklist dat

sql - SSRS Report Builder: Creating text color expression based on textbox value? -

is possible have ssrs @ value of text box after calculating it, , apply expression determine color of text? more specifically, have lot of different text boxes contain custom formulas calculate percentages. normally, create iif statement in text color expression builder this: iif([complex formula]<0,"red","green"). this works fine, when have ton of these textboxes, each different formulas, more efficient copy 1 standard color expression them this: iif(this.value>0,"red","green") are expressions possible in ssrs? the answer yes, if using recent version of ssrs: =iif(me.value < 0,"red","green") link original article here hope helps.

ios - Adding UIButton dynamically: action not getting registered -

i'm creating pages dynamically, each page contains navigation controller , uiviewcontroller. inside each page, there components link, images, texts. each component class following: class link: component, componentprotocol { var text: string var url: string func browseurl(sender: uibutton!){ let targeturl = nsurl(fileurlwithpath: self.url) let application = uiapplication.sharedapplication() application.openurl(targeturl!) } func generateview() -> uiview?{ var result: uiview? var y = cgrectgetminy(frame) var linkbtn = uibutton(frame: cgrect(x: 0, y:30 , width:300 , height: 50) linkbtn.settitle(self.text, forstate: uicontrolstate.normal) linkbtn.settitlecolor(uicolor.bluecolor(), forstate: uicontrolstate.normal) linkbtn.titlelabel?.font = linkbtn.titlelabel?.font.fontwithsize(15) // doesn't seem registered linkbtn.addtarget(self, action: "browseurl:"

common lisp - Does FORMAT provide a counter for lists iteration -

i want output lists , print position in list e.g. '(a b c) become "1:a 2:b 3:c" as format supports iterating on given list, wondering whether provides sort of counting directive? e.g. format string this: "~{~@c:~a~}" whereas ~@c counter. if want boring answer, here go: (format t "~:{~a:~a ~}" (loop 0 e in '(x y z) collect (list e))) and more interesting one! @renzo's answer, uses tilde directive achieve work. (defvar *count* 0) (defvar *printer* "~a") (defun iterate-counting (stream arg c at) (declare (ignore c)) (let ((*count* (if @ -1 0))) (destructuring-bind (*printer* delimiter &rest args) arg (format stream (format nil "~~{~~/iterate-piece/~~^~a~~}" delimiter) args)))) (defun iterate-piece (stream arg &rest dc) (declare (ignore dc)) (incf *count*) (format stream *printer* *count* arg)) this uses 2 special variables make both thread-safe , allow nesting. won&#

ruby on rails - Pluck and ids give array of non unique elements -

in console: course.ids.count => 1766 course.pluck(:id).count => 1766 course.ids.uniq.count => 1529 course.count => 1529 it's normal? small comment - model course uses ancestry (gem). upd1: generated sql: learn::course.ids.count (5.4ms) select "learn_courses"."id" "learn_courses" left outer join "learn_course_translations" on "learn_course_translations"."learn_course_id" = "learn_courses"."id" => 1766 learn::course.count (1.5ms) select count(*) "learn_courses" => 1529 hmm... upd2: schema information # # table name: learn_courses # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # position :integer # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # ancestry :string(255) # course_type :string(255) # article :string(255) # item_style :integer # hidden :boolean # score :integer de

python import breaks in server environment but works fine on my computer -

i have research server using run python scripts. server has python 2.4. problem when try run tests on server, breaks on import statements. file structure this: |-- |-- `-- tests |-- |-- tests/ looks like from test_foil import * unittest.main() and looks like import unittest poly import poly on computer, when run python tests/ tests execute. when run on server error from test_foil import * traceback (most recent call last): file "tests/", line 1, in ? test_foil import * file "/home/simon_team/partition_poly/tests/", line 2, in ? poly import poly importerror: no module named poly it not 100% critical run tests on server, convenient way of making sure code 2.4 compatible before running actual code. can't life of me figure out why behaving differently on 2 machines, since docs don't indicate behavoir of import chan

Read File in Java, output the first comma delimited String -

i want extract first string in file using delimiter ",". why code generate number of lines greater one? public static void main(string[] args) { bufferedreader in = null; try { in = new bufferedreader(new filereader("irisafter.txt")); string read = null; while ((read = in.readline()) != null) { read = in.readline(); string[] splited = read.split(","); (int =0; i<splited.length;i++) { system.out.println(splited[0]); } } } catch (ioexception e) { system.out.println("there problem: " + e); e.printstacktrace(); } { try { in.close(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } you printing inside loop. that's why printing multiple times (if that's you're asking). string[] splited = read.split(","); system.out.println(splited[0]);

How do I make a JavaScript event trigger after a draggable object in jQuery has reached a certain point? -

i new programming in general. recently, have started learning jquery , have tried making little 'game' it. however, can not find answer anywhere on how make jquery object trigger javascript event. my code is: <!doctype html> <head> <title></title> <link href='stylesheet.css'/> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> confirm("are ready race?") var snd = new audio("rev1.mp3");; $(function() { $("#car").draggable(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="car"> <div id="top"></div> <div id="bottom"></div> <div id="fwheel"></div>

Android Studio - Navigation between activities -

i may doing dumb mistake somewhere, , question may seem silly, but, can't figure out reason why happening. i have homeactivity imageview , when click on it, need go dummyactivity(created purpose of testing). dummyactivity has textview text, "this dummy page". but, screen doesn't display anything. i newbie android studio, but, guess doesn't relate it. here code: imageview onclick in homeactivity: mimageview1 = (imageview) findviewbyid(; mimageview1.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { log.d("homeactivity", "imageview 1 clicked"); //startactivity(new intent(homeactivity.this, mainactivity.class)); startactivity(new intent(homeactivity.this, dummyactivity.class)); } }); dummyactivity oncreate(): public class dummyactivity extends appcompatactivity{ @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinsta

testing - How can I return from a calling function to end a test without ending the script? -

i writing automated tests using autoit , follow basic format: func mytest($sinput) local $otest = newtest("test name") $otest.setup() ;run steps $otest.assert($ssomeexpected, $ssomeactual) $otest.teardown() endfunc inside assert function, set test's result failed if assertion fails. end test completely, not end entire script. because script may this: for $i = 0 ubound($ainputs) - 1 step 1 mytest($ainputs[$i]) next so if test fails input 1, still want able run test other inputs. ideally, handle in assert: func _assert($oself, $sexpected, $sactual) if not($sexpected = $sactual) $oself.result = 0 ;return mytest function without ending script?? endif endfunc i don't know if it's possible return mytest inside assert. can exit script, explained don't want that. if went approach, means creating 1 script every test bloated extremely quick. the workaround have right now, awful, return true/false assert , check each

css - Media Query doesn't initialize in browser's mobile view -

i didn't resize browser used developer tools under chrome. i made sure had proper meta tags <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> and used max/min-width instead of -device-width. the queries don't show @ all. local version works well. i'd rather not post live version here because of nature of site i'll try give information possible. order can important media queries, 1 can overriding if don't have them ordered properly

java - Enum constructor takes in more parameters than specified -

i have following code , try understand does public enum exampleclass { instance("nothing"), item; private string description; private exampleclass(string description) { this.description = description; } static{ item = new exampleclass("item", 1, "this item"); } } my questions are: what instance("nothing") ? the exampleclass takes in 1 variable in constructor, why inside static block item takes in 3? exampleclass enum . instance , item 2 instances of exampleclass (called enum constants ). example, valid : public enum exampleclass { instance, item; } that said, can define own constructors enum, 1 : private exampleclass(string description) { this.description = description; } in same way classes, if define custom constructor, jvm not create default constructor. instance("nothing") instantiated using custom constructor. item not valid because th

php - yii2 gii crud db relation(one to many) -

gii generated models (with relations) : /** * @return \yii\db\activequery */ public function getclient() { return $this->hasone(client::classname(), ['id' => 'client_id']); } but when generated crud, in client filed input text field. me please, problem? that's correct. in _form.php file have define dropdown box if user should choose client: <?= $form->field($model, 'client')->dropdownlist($clients) ?> and in controller actions create/update have provide $clients: return $this->render('create', [ // or: return $this->render('update', [ 'model' => $model, 'clients' => arrayhelper::map(client::find()->all(), 'id', 'name'), ]); don't forget pass them in view files create.php , update.php _form.php file: <?= $this->render('_form', [ 'model' => $model, 'clients' => $clients, // <-- added

fiware - Missing attributes on Orion CB Entity when registering device through IDAS -

i've had troubles getting expected results doing exercises no problem when registering new device, entity it's created on orion cb when querying created entity non of device attributes shown. created entity have timeinstant attribute. i 200 response code when sending observations apparently has noeffect since entity attributes on cb missing. registering device url: /iot/devices method: post payload: json { "devices": [ { "device_id": "14:da:e9", "entity_name": "thing12", "entity_type": "thing12type", "protocol": "pdi-iota-ultralight", "timezone": "europe/madrid", "attributes": [ { "name": "weight", "type": "double", "o

php - Wordpress custom submit button -

i'm getting little lost :d short explanation: i want able process $_post data when submit button clicked on custom post type. firstly how or function can use add custom input submit, , secondly how can build function submitting of button? can't seem find solution anywhere! long explanation: i'm building authorisation paypal system custom post type named orders. have orders in table access using class. have payment information , know have capture payment, want button able , return errors. want separate button 'update' , method of capturing action can api call etc. i don't want plugin. need know how make input , use $_post. can custom meta box? add_meta_box('order_payment','build_order_payment_info','orders','side'); function build_order_payment_info($post){ <input name="id" type="hidden" value="id of payment"> <input name="other info needed" type="hid

java - Spring Data REST and IdClass - not compatible? -

i trying use spring data rest given sql schema, uses jpa @idclass annotation associative tables (intersection table, or many-to-many resolution table). these mapping entities not serialized properly. i created small project, illustrates problem. it's fork of spring-data-examples, , pretty straightforward. using eclipselink, tested hibernate , problem same. the setup: 2 entities: customer , relationship, 2 repositories: customerrepository, relationshiprepository, both extend crudrepository customer has generated id, , firstname, lastname string. relationship has idclass "relationshipid" , customer1, customer2 composite primary key, both having foreign key on customer. plus relation string. a basic integration test shows entities work expected. customer dave = customer("dave", "matthews")); customer jack = customer(&

c++ - How to use GUI while threads doing their jobs in QT? -

as self-learner, trying understand qthread logics in c++ qt . wrote simple thread class has loop inside. when thread inside loop cannot use mainwindow. try open qfiledialog , select files. when press " open " button thread runs , filedialog not closing until thread finish job. is possible use mainwindow while thread working background? here simple code try.. void mainwindow::on_pushbutton_clicked() { qfiledialog *lfiledialog = new qfiledialog(this, "select folder", "/.1/projects/", "*"); qstringlist selectedfilenames = lfiledialog->getopenfilenames(this, "select images", "/home/mg/desktop/", "", 0, 0); if(!selectedfilenames.isempty()) { mythread mthread1; = "thread1";; mthread1.wait(); } } void mythread::run() { (int var = 0; var < 100000; ++var) { qdebug() << this->name <<

powershell - How to make LastWriteTime return culture sensitive date string -

i have this: $logfileinfo = get-item c:\windows $logfileinfo.lastwritetime "explaining text: " + $logfileinfo.lastwritetime line 2 output is: 21. maj 2015 13:44:45 line 3 output is: explaining text: 05/21/2015 13:44:45 it changes output, though same variable!? how can line 2 output (naming month, , not reversing day/month), text in front, in line 3? the default output system.datetime datetime: "explaining text: " + $logfileinfo.lastwritetime.datetime

ios - How to access variables which located in another class -

i'm trying access var located in class(viewcontroller), cannot access answeredcorrectly variable in lastview class. how can access , when call answeredcorrectly that(marked 1) going use default instance of viewcontroller? i tried that(lastview.swift) import foundation import uikit class lastview: viewcontroller { @iboutlet weak var numberlabel: uilabel! func assignlabeltocount(){ numberlabel.text = "\(answeredcorrectly)" } } whole view controller import uikit class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uitextfielddelegate { @iboutlet weak var questionlabel: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var answerbox: uitextfield! override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() // additional setup after loading view, typically nib. answerbox.addtarget(self, action: "textfielddidchange:", forcontrolevents: uicontrolevents.editingchanged) } override func didreceivememorywarning() { super.di

angularjs - Angular js Images slider example -

<body ng-app="myapp"> <div ng-controller="slideshowcontroller" class="imageslide" ng-switch='slideshow' ng-animate="'animate'"> <div class="slider-content" ng-switch-when="1"> <img src="../images/ship.png" /> </div> <div class="slider-content" ng-switch-when="2"> <img src="../images/cargo.png" /> </div> <div class="slider-content" ng-switch-when="3"> <img src="../images/lake.png" /> </div> <div class="slider-content" ng-switch-when="4"> <img src="../images/cargo2.png" /> </div> </div> <script> var app = angular.module('myapp', ['angular-responsive']); app.controller('slideshowcontroller', function($scope, $time

java - IsometricTiledMapRenderer Box2d Collision Detection MapObject -

i trying render isometric tiled map, example if use orthogonaltiledmaprenderer orthogonal tiled map box2dobjects/bodies rendered perfect following code initialize mapobjects : if (object instanceof rectanglemapobject) { rectanglemapobject rectangleobj = (rectanglemapobject)object; rectangle rectangle = rectangleobj.getrectangle(); position= new vector2((rectangle.x+rectangle.getwidth()*0.5f)/game.scale_pixels_tometers, (rectangle.y+rectangle.getheight()*0.5f)/game.scale_pixels_tometers); size= new vector2(rectangle.getwidth()/game.scale_pixels_tometers, rectangle.getheight()/game.scale_pixels_tometers); polygonshape polygon = new polygonshape(); polygon.setasbox(rectangle.width * 0.5f / game.scale_pixels_tometers,rectangle.height * 0.5f / game.scale_pixels_tometers); shape=polygon; } else if (object instanceof polygonmapobject) {

mysql - How can i select rows base on counts of field related id with pattern -

i have field name ids_col , pattern of (id)(id)(id)(id) (90)(200)(102)(33) want check if id (in ids_col ) available in second table, return 1 else return 0. (s elect id sec_table id = return 1 else 0 ) "in each practises " , count result . should calculate count[(1)(0)(1)(1)] total , return value. in above example have 3 in field. , @ last select table total = 3

html - Insert DIV before TABLE -

i want insert div containing text before table element. i tried text gets inserted between thead , first data row , table's first column gets disturbed because of inserted text. what proper solution this? can't add class names table element have apply style existing legacy content. here jsfiddle . css: table:before { content:"this text should use whole width of table!"; } this might you: sorry miss in previous post: css table:before { content:"this text should use whole width of table!"; } table { display:block; } updated:demo

How to use OpenGL in QT Creator -

i working on opengl create gui .i want create tabs me display different things in different windows. how possible using opengl? read in articles can use qt that. since have developed of gui part in opengl using glut library ,is possible use same code in qt? if brief me how make settings opengl libraries in qt creator. in gui trying create car following track. i think might mixing things up: opengl api can instruct drivers draw visual primitives, lines, boxes, 3d triangles, pictures buffer onto render plane. glut library gives minimal environment around that, ie. handles creating window etc. neither of them high-level ui description tools. qt want, not give things tab widgets etc, feature-rich framework things defining should happen when click button, close window etc. there's lot of examples of opengl usage within qt widgets. in fact, lot of visualization frontends use qt , opengl. qt has extensive documentation on how generate opengl contextes , draw inside q

ios - google maps 404 page not found error while routing -

i have problem while using google maps route in iphone app development. nsstring* apiurlstr = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"", saddr, daddr]; it returns 404 error : page not found what should problem? this example link.. your url not correct, should use @"" if try launch google maps iphone's web browser. sample url:,72.603676&daddr=23.023537,72.529091 for more details google maps url scheme, can visit this documentation . if want launch native ios google maps iphone, can following: - (void)test { nsurl *appurl = [[nsurl alloc] initwithstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"comgooglemaps://?saddr=%@&daddr=%@", @"22.990236,72.603676", @"23.023537,72.529091"]]; nsurl *weburl = [[nsurl alloc] initwithstring:[nsstring stringwi

fullcalendar - Full calendar event rendering happens only for particular week -

i using fullcalendar plugin display data 1 week. problem event rendering week select first. later when change week events getting created not rendering. when change again week selected first, event creation , rendering both happens. using $('#calendar').fullcalendar('gotodate', weekstartdate) go desired week. $.ajax({ type: "post", contenttype: "application/json", data: '{}', url: 'dataservice.svc/cmstrandselection', datatype: "json", async: false, success: function (data) { $('#calendar').fullcalendar({ header: { left: '', center: '', right: '', height: 300 }, defaultview: 'basicweek', editable: true, columnformat: 'dd dddd',

sql - SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1030 Got error 28 from storage engine in magento site -

we facing following problem @ gmt 5 pm last 2 days. sqlstate[hy000]: general error: 1030 got error 28 storage engine. we have 100 gb disk space server on amazon web service [vps]. there magento site running 20 gb data. @ night when check site, got following error: when checked disk space, 95% full. when restarted mysql, normal 20 gb. why did disk space increas 20 gb 95 gb overnight? first cleared cache , session folders deleted unwanted files. turned off scheduled up. next day checked , not problem gone. fine now.

cellpadding - basic table padding with html & dreamweaver -

i haven't used dw while, excuse beginners question. i have created table 2 rows & 1 column within html. have inserted image in top row , 1 image in bottom row. with border, cell padding , cell spacing set 0, cannot figure out why see pixel padding/spacing @ bottom of each cell. have changed background colour of cells in table red easy show padding. changing vertical alignment cells not change issue. i haven't created css page this. from recall in previous experience dw padding , spacing quite simple when creating basic table in html, not sure going wrong. any appreciated on going wrong here. link resulting output when preview code in safari and/or chrome <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>untitled document</title> </head> <body> <table width="512" border="0&qu

android - NestedScrollView scroll with recyclerview -

i layout recyclerview in nestedscrollview , want make nestedscrollview scroll recyclerview , happens when recyclerview reach end, below layout code: < android:id="@+id/lists_frame" xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:animatelayoutchanges="true" tools:context="" > <linearlayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" > <view android:id="@+id/header" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="256dp" android:background="@color/material_blue_grey_800" /> <vi

How to use Chrome's "Copy as cURL" for multipart/form-data post requests on Windows -

i developing module web application. trigger module need submit data server. simple forms "copy curl" developer tools works fine (using curl msys[git]), post requests multipart/form-data copied string neither usable in windows shell (cmd) nor bash (form msys); copied text similar to curl "http://myserver.local" -h "origin:" -h "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate" -h "accept-language: de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.6,en;q=0.4" -h "user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/43.0.2357.130 safari/537.36" -h "content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----webkitformboundaryntxdlwbyxavwcimu" -h "accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" -h "cache-control: max-age=0" -h "referer:" -h "connecti

php - 403 Forbidden Error on submit form -

i getting 403 forbidden error when submit form large number of fields server configuration bellow execution_time 180 memory_limit 256m post_max_size 256m max_input_vars 2000 if remove fields form working fine. in advance... turn off waf (mod_security) on server ! work me !

c# - Return passed parameter with fluent moq -

is possible return passed parameter mocked method fluent moq? from: mock.setup(m => it.isany<string>())).returns<string>(s => s); to: mock.of<bar>(m =><string>()) == ???);

windows - Git post-receive hook should not send email by new branching push -

my git remote repository created on windows. (bonobo git server installed.) there standard origin/master branch in remote-repository. , there post-receive hook send email notification. for normal commit(file modified , pushed), works great. but new branching push, ( = no files modified, new brach origin created , pushed) no email notification or other email notification should send. how can check, last push new branching? there option git log that?

Read variables in URL as fuction in php -

started learning php week , had many doubts, 1 of them couldn't find solution(maybe didn't know right keyword search for). is possible read variables in url function inside php file, example : here demo_app folder, phone_api php file, , want invoke function login, harsha , harshapass paramaters function. you'll need 2 things this. the first mod_rewrite , apache module. module can rewrite url want, /demo_app/phone_api/ redirect php file. i advice read tutorial somewhere this, example here . second thing need parse url. with $_server['request_uri'] url. explode and/or preg_match can parse string parts want (function, parameters, whatever). if have more specific question this, can ask here (in new topic). good luck!

add - Adding values dynamically to a MultiSelect in DOJO -

i having multiselect dropdown in dojo. user should able add/delete values to/from multiselect dynamically. examples/code snippets on how achieve in dojo. new dojo.. an example of operations dojo multiselect can found here documentation @ following link:

ASP.NET ImageResizer not resizing GIFs and PNGs -

i had imageresizer set years in app , serving/resizing jpgs fine (i use presets) today wanted resize spacer.gif , did not anything. tried spacer.png , doesn't touch (no resize, image rendered @ 1x1 pixels). what going on here? as covered in basic usage , imageresizer not upscale default. need specify ?scale=both&width=200 upscale tiny images. this unlikely have image format (namely gif/png).

android - Error encountered installing apk to device : INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS -

i have nexus 4 device android 5.1.1 . when trying install android application i receiving following error: [2015-06-25 11:41:50 - xxxx] installation error: install_failed_no_matching_abis [2015-06-25 11:41:50 - xxxx] please check logcat output more details. [2015-06-25 11:41:50 - xxxx] launch canceled! i checked logcat log , not displaying anything. any feedback appreciated. you trying install app has libraries isn't compatible cpu architecture. using emulator run google maps through google play service while emulator doesn't have arm (armeabi-v7a) cpu.

c - Sorting a linked list in an ascending way -

i trying write function inserts numbers(from user)to nodes (1 number each node) , sorts them in ascending way. wrote function: void insertnode(struct n_node *head) { struct n_node *temp = head; int number; printf("please insert number node\n"); scanf("%d", &number); while (number != sentry) { while ((temp->next != null) && (temp->next->num < number)) { temp = temp->next; } struct n_node *addnode = (struct n_node*)malloc(sizeof(struct n_node)); addnode->num = number; if (temp->next == null && number < temp->num) { addnode->next = temp; head = addnode; } else { addnode->next = temp->next; temp->next = addnode; } temp = head; scanf("%d", &number); } options(); } it compiles right after insert firs

c# - How to change the Action View for an ActionBar's menu item with Xamarin -

i have menu item icon in actionbar change progressbar when user click on it, run task, , change icon. below code have, nothing happens when menu item clicked. the activity: importreferenceview.cs public class importreferenceview : mvxactivity { protected override void oncreate(bundle bundle) { base.oncreate(bundle); setcontentview(resource.layout.importreferenceview); actionbar.setdisplayshowcustomenabled(true); } public override bool oncreateoptionsmenu(android.views.imenu menu) { menuinflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } public override bool onoptionsitemselected(android.views.imenuitem item) { switch (item.itemid) { case item.setactionview(resource.layout.progressbar); item.expandactionview(); var vm = ((importreferenceviewmodel)viewmodel); task task =

android - adb command not found error, if I give the command adb in terminal( linux) -

i have set path: export path=$path:~/android-sdks/platform-tools done: gksudo gedit ~/.profile installed: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs installed: sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb even getting: adb: command not found please me out fix

linux - Liquidsoap tag encoding -

good afternoon. i have problem liquidsoap. sends cyrillic metadata icecast like: &#1040;&#1088;&#1080;&#1103; - &#1064;&#1090;&#1080;&#1083;&#1100; please me how can change encoding? best regards, danila. try adding encoding = "utf-8" parameters of output.icecast() ! liquidsoap api reference output.icecast() : encoding (string – defaults ""): encoding used send metadata. if empty, defaults “utf-8” “http” protocol , “iso-8859-1” “icy” protocol.

python 2.7 - Import statement continues to fail -

i need figuring out import error. here directory structure python project. ├── files │   ├── dictionary_files │   │   │   └── transcripts ├── src │   ├── package1 │   │   ├── │   │   ├── adapt_dictionary.pyc │   │   └── │   ├── package2 │   └── └── test ├── logs │   └── error_log_dict.txt ├── └── here's problem. file testing suite wrote . in have class called d_bot . class d_bot: def __init__(self): i'm trying import class file. import sys import import sys sys.path.append("/home/andy/documents/projects/ai_subs/src/package1") adapt_dictionary import d_bot the console yields cannot import name d_bot . not sure what's going on. have tried few things. ensure no circular dependencies (good on this) changing pythonpath point corresponding directory class lies messing sys.path

windows - Copying multiple files and adding date to the name bat -

i have make .bat file this: copies o:\siirto files name starts "ls". c:\siirto. , name of output same in source. add current date end of file name. i tried following test , didnt work of course :d. propably explains better im trying explanation above. echo off xcopy o:\siirto\ls* c:\siirto\ls%date.txt pause of course not working. possible 1 .bat file. or have ls.txt-files own .bat-files or lines. like 1 ls1.txt, ls2.txt ls3.txt echo off xcopy o:\siirto\ls1.txt c:\siirto\ls1%date pause i have no idea how %date should add code , need else code also? im still on child shoes in programming... thanks you need combine iteration on files for command , %date% environment variable. read help for , paying attention %~ expansion syntax, , try following code. for %%a in (o:\siirto\ls*) ( echo copy "%%a" "c:\siirto\%%~na-%date%%%~xa" ) after careful testing, remove echo command. you might generalize bit code, moving config

android - Prevent continuous call of didEnterRegion() and didExitRegion() method of MonitorNotifier callback -

the method didenterregion() , didexitregion() (monitornotifier callback)calls continuously. how can prevent? this not typical or expected behavior. please try running reference application available here: see if same behavior. if so, may problem beacon or mobile device. if not, may issue way app uses android beacon library.

atom editor - How many nuclide packages? -

i thought i'd give nuclide try , after running apm install nuclide-installer went packages tab , searched "nuclide". unfortunately docs says: from there, filter installed packages nuclide- , should see quite few results! i see 1 nuclide-language-hack , i'm guessing doesn't equal "quite few". has gone wrong? how many packages should there be? nuclide single atom package named 'nuclide' . install apm install nuclide . prior nuclide's unified package released on 2016-01-13, nuclide consisted of 44 separate atom packages. @ time of original answer, still below, nuclide 12 packages. original answer: the list of nuclide- packages @ 12 @ moment: since install nuclide-installer itself, makes total of 13 nuclide- packages should see after installation. should able watch file in near future list of nuclide packages.

ios - Develop app in Japanese, add localization into English -

i developing ios app targeted exclusively @ japanese audience, possibility of small portion of english-speaking users. all storyboards , xibs being designed japanese strings, , localization english should take place @ later stage. from beginning, project 's info/localizations section in xcode reads: (the 2 files are, of course, "main.storyboard" , "launchscreen.xib" ) because "english" added (as development language), can not click "+" button , add localization. add 'japanese' instead, want development language, not (secondary) localization. also, , in apparent contradiction above, target 's info.plist file reads: when select either of localized files ( main.storyboard , launchscreen.xib ) in project navigator, , check file inspector, 'localization' section reads: ...which seems suggest existing, japanese files (.xib , .storyboard) 'base' , checking 'english' add support language