javascript - Testing with protractor using ui-select -

i trying test ui-select protractor. in ui-select have list of countries. html looks like:

<ui-select ng-model="datianagrafici.countryofbirth" name="countryofbirth" theme="bootstrap" reset-search-input="true" append-to-body="true" required blur>                 <ui-select-match placeholder="paese di nascita">{{$}}</ui-select-match>                 <ui-select-choices repeat="country.code country in countries | filter: {name:$}">                     <span ng-bind-html=""></span>                 </ui-select-choices> </ui-select> 

my page object looks like: = element(by.model('datianagrafici.countryofbirth')); this.fillform = function(){'it'); } 

in spec file have:

it('should fill form', function() {   form.fillform(); }) 

but when run test ng-model not filled sent data. have tips? thanks

i have found solution here = element(by.model('datianagrafici.countryofbirth')); this.selectcountry ='.ui-select-search')); 

then in fill form method alecxe said:; this.selectcountry.sendkeys('italy'); 


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