sql - How can compare between times in while loop in stored procedure? -

please me on this, have been working conditions time within 24 hours only.

so have this. can me or tell me if conditions correct.

my @displaystarttime = 11:00pm

basically @nextstarttime = 11:00pm

open cphoslinetimeslot  fetch next cphoslinetimeslot       @parameter, @displaystarttime, @displayendtime, @codeendtime, @frequency, @tolerance   while @@fetch_status = 0 begin     declare @nextstarttime nvarchar(30)     set @nextstarttime = @displaystarttime      --insert #actualtimeslot     --select @parameter, @displaystarttime, @displayendtime, @codeendtime, @frequency, @tolerance       while (convert(varchar, convert(time, @nextstarttime), 100) < dateadd(day, -1, getdate()))     begin         set @displaystarttime = @nextstarttime          select @nextstarttime = ltrim(right(convert(nvarchar(100), dateadd(minute, @frequency, @nextstarttime)), 8))          insert #actualtimeslot             select @parameter, @displaystarttime,                     @nextstarttime, @codeendtime, @frequency, @tolerance            set @intflag +=1     end       set @intflag = 1      fetch next cphoslinetimeslot         @parameter, @displaystarttime, @displayendtime, @codeendtime, @frequency, @tolerance  end  close cphoslinetimeslot deallocate cphoslinetimeslot 

this sample:

enter image description here

if want generate datetime values within time period [@startdate, @enddate] use "tally" table:

set nocount on go -- drop table dbo.numbers create table dbo.numbers (     num int identity(0,1),      constraint pk_numbers_num primary key (num) ); go -- generates values 0 9999 insert dbo.numbers default values  go 10000 -- can insert more numbers if diff. between 2 date/time values greather 13 days (i used frecv. of 2 minutes computes maximum limit) 

and simple select statement

declare @startdate datetime2(0), @enddate datetime2(0), @frequency tinyint select  @startdate = '2015-04-17 11:00:00',         @enddate = '2015-04-17 11:15:00',         @frequency = 2; -- minutes  select  n.num,          dateadd(minute, n.num*@frequency, @startdate) rangestart         /*,         case              when dateadd(minute, (n.num + 1)*@frequency, @startdate) > @enddate             @enddate             else dateadd(minute, (n.num + 1)*@frequency, @startdate)         end rangeend         */    dbo.numbers n   n.num <= datediff(minute, @startdate, @enddate) / @frequency /* num         rangestart                  rangeend ----------- --------------------------- --------------------------- 0           2015-04-17 11:00:00         2015-04-17 11:02:00 1           2015-04-17 11:02:00         2015-04-17 11:04:00 2           2015-04-17 11:04:00         2015-04-17 11:06:00 3           2015-04-17 11:06:00         2015-04-17 11:08:00 4           2015-04-17 11:08:00         2015-04-17 11:10:00 5           2015-04-17 11:10:00         2015-04-17 11:12:00 6           2015-04-17 11:12:00         2015-04-17 11:14:00 7           2015-04-17 11:14:00         2015-04-17 11:15:00 */ 


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