javascript - Fullcalendar: duplicate entry on dropping (external) -

i using while adding events fullcalendar external drag , drop, item doesn't id modify dropped element (title, id , date) , callback in drop function of fullcalendar

var url = "json-save-urlaub.php?event="+date.format()+"&allday="+date.hastime();                     $.post(                         url,                          function(data){ //callback function retrieving response sent controller/action                             //event object rendered calendar                             var event = jquery.parsejson(data);                             //actually rendering new event calendar                              $('#calendar').fullcalendar('renderevent', event, true);                              //$('#calendar').fullcalendar('refetchevents');                             $('#calendar').fullcalendar('unselect');                         }                     ); 

however have 2 entries when drop element on fullcalendar since callback gives me new event object , 1 dropped can't remove since has no id , can't remove manually neither can use url call.

the line $(this).remove(); has no effect. neither has $("#calendar").fullcalendar( 'removeevents', copiedeventobject._id); when copying dropped element first. how can have 1 element when dropping it?

according fullcalendar docs renderevent

"normally, event disappear once calendar refetches event sources (example: when prev/next clicked). however, specifying stick true cause event permanently fixed calendar."

when create object, need set within object data not stick. ie. stick: false , or remove stick: true

    $('#external-events .fc-event').each(function() {          // store data calendar knows render event upon drop         $(this).data('event', {             title: $.trim($(this).text()), // use element's text event title             stick: false // (see docs on renderevent method)         });          // make event draggable using jquery ui         $(this).draggable({             zindex: 999,             revert: true,      // cause event go             revertduration: 0  //  original position after drag         });      }); 


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