javascript - OpenLayers 3 WFS not visible -

i want display wfs layer (in gml format) on openstreetmap using openlayers 3.5.0. link of extrernal wfs layer:

the way using follows:

sourcevector = new ol.source.vector({   loader: function(extent) {     $.ajax('',{       type: 'get',       data: {         service: 'wfs',     version: '1.0.0',     request: 'getfeature',     typename: 'el.batimetrica.',         srsname: 'epsg:4326'       },     }).done(loadfeatures);   },   strategy: ol.loadingstrategy.tile(new{         maxzoom: 19   })), });      window.loadfeatures = function(response) {       formatwfs = new ol.format.wfs(),       sourcevector.addfeatures(formatwfs.readfeatures(response, {dataprojection: ol.proj.projection('epsg:4326'), featureprojection: ol.proj.projection('epsg:3857')}));     };      layervector = new ol.layer.vector({       source: sourcevector,       style: new{       stroke: new{         color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)',         width: 2       })     })   }); 

i can see on network tab of inspector receive features not displayed. features in projection epsg:4326. know osm in epsg:3857. think reason cannot display because of difference. think reason 1 , can suggest solution me? thanks!


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