javascript - Bootstrap validator doesn't work in bootstrap modal ( the modal is inside a table) -

i using bootstrap3. trying use bootstrap validator forms in bootstrap modal window. modal inside table. have added attributes required validator still not working. please advice.(hover description check out image)

my javascript code :

$(".category_form").bootstrapvalidator({     feedbackicons: {         valid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',         invalid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove',         validating: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh'     },     fields: {         category_valid: {             validators: {                 notempty: {                     message: "this field required",                 }             }         },         category_name: {             validators: {                 notempty: {                     message: "this field required",                 }             }         },      } }); 

html here php : here html php


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