typesafe activator - How to configure akkacluster using SSL support -

i looking cluster setup using akka play framework projects. want know how can support plugable ssl transport support. looking @ http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/scala/remoting.html , tired configuration.

here sample configuration:

  akka {    loglevel = error    actor.provider = "akka.cluster.clusteractorrefprovider"    remote {     enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]     enabled-transports = [akka.remote.netty.ssl]     netty.ssl.tcp {       hostname = ""       enable-ssl = true     }         netty.ssl.security {       key-store = "mykeystore"       trust-store = "mytruststore"       key-store-password = "changeme"       key-password = "changeme"       trust-store-password = "changeme"       protocol = "tlsv1"       random-number-generator = "aes128countersecurerng"       enabled-algorithms = [tls_rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha]     }   }    cluster {         auto-down = on     akka.cluster.auto-down-unreachable-after = 5s    }  } 

i start server :

activator -dnode.id=1 -dhttp.port=9000 -dakka.remote.netty.tcp.port=2551 -dakka.cluster.seed-nodes.0="akka.ssl.tcp://application@" run

i not sure more missing. can't see events when member up

i referred implementation : https://github.com/zarinfam/play-akka-cluster-pub-sub

please suggest.

i had used folloing configuration.also generated proper certificates following : http://docs.oracle.com/cd/e19528-01/819-4733/6n6s6u1gl/index.html note : need set keystore , truststore, define ssl/tls version used , set enabled algorithms. these settings correspond directly jsse configuration, documented here : http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/jsserefguide.html

here configuration:

 akka {   log-dead-letters = on   loglevel = info   actor.provider = "akka.cluster.clusteractorrefprovider"   remote {     #enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]     enabled-transports = [akka.remote.netty.ssl]         log-remote-lifecycle-events =on     netty.tcp {        hostname = "core06"       enable-ssl = true      }     netty.ssl = ${akka.remote.netty.tcp}      netty.ssl = {   # enable ssl/tls encryption.   # must enabled on both client , server work.   enable-ssl = true   security {   # java key store used server connection    key-store = "keystore.jks"     # password used decrypting key store    key-store-password = "changeit"     # password used decrypting key    key-password = "changeit"     # java key store used client connection    trust-store = "cacerts.jks"     # password used decrypting trust store    trust-store-password = "changeit"     # protocol use ssl encryption, choose from:         # java 6 & 7:         #   'sslv3', 'tlsv1'         # java 7:         #   'tlsv1.1', 'tlsv1.2'            protocol = "tlsv1"             # example: ["tls_rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha", "tls_rsa_with_aes_256_cbc_sha"]         # need install jce unlimited strength jurisdiction policy         # files use aes 256.         # more info here:         # http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/sunproviders.html#sunjceprovider           enabled-algorithms = ["tls_rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha"]     random-number-generator = "aes128countersecurerng"         }     }  }    cluster {         seed-nodes = [   "akka.ssl.tcp://application@core06:2551",   "akka.ssl.tcp://application@core06:2552"   ]     #auto-down = on     auto-down-unreachable-after = 5s   }  } 

hope helps in future.



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